Our English language and grammar is very confusing at times! Take these two words: “accept” vs. “except”. Sounding out the word won’t help – they even sound alike (homophones)! How and when these words are used largely depends on the context of your writing.
Merriam-Webster defines the verb “accept” to mean “to receive or take something willingly”, such as responsibility or a package/gift. The word “except”, can be used as a verb , but is more commonly used as a preposition. Its meaning can include “not included”, “but”, “to object”, and “other than”. The word “exception” comes from the word “except”.
So, you can accept a trophy, award, responsibility, but you can also be excepted from all as well! You could except (object) to receiving an award or trophy, but, who wants to turn away recognition? One more example to bandy these words a bit further: your team could accept the trophy for 1st place except Bennie & Julie because they didn’t play all season. Make sense?