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Author: Keith Mueller

A Steam-Powered World

Steam is a very powerful force, and by careful recycling, a steam driven machine, and run for a very long time without being refilled. In my Steampunk/Fantasy series, “After: Earth”, there are odd mixtures of technology. Steam power is used for almost everything, though the city-states have gaslight illumination, and,…

Two Societies

We need to speak more about the society, and time frame of my Steampunk/Fantasy series, beginning with “Journey To The Black City”. Humanity, as we found out the last time, is now divided into two societies—the tribal folk, who are hunters and farmers, and those who dwell in the huge,…

More About Adria

Adria. We’ve been discussing this woman. Disorganized serial killer—what my characters in my Steampunk/Fantasy novel “Journey To The Black City” from my new “After: Earth” series call a ‘repeat killer’, leaves her tribe, after committing several murders. She stows away aboard a zeppelin run by the Cathedral. In the Black…